Aaron Dalla Villa is CEO of ONE MAN ARMY and a producer with over 10+ years of experience in the entertainment industry across nearly 100 projects ranging from feature films to tv to scripted podcasts to video games, off-Broadway, and even professional ballet.

A professional and nearly constant collaborator of the odd and out-there, he brings his creative producing experience to give the world more exciting and weird content, and to shine a light on underground talent. Leading with a no job too small mentality to ensure a successful production each time, every time.


Alexandra Warrick is a NYC filmmaker, and the creative director at ONE MAN ARMY. A graduate of Columbia University, Warrick closely studied anti-comedy. “The Dada of Haha”, her thesis on avant-garde programming block Adult Swim, merited her the prestigious Andrew Sarris Award for Film Criticism and designated her the first anti-comedy academic on record.

Her debut short film, Questions (Or: Peanut Butter), received praise from New York Magazine for “boast[ing] the best comedic crescendo [they] had the pleasure of covering [in 2019].” ONE MAN ARMY’s current slate includes her upcoming feature BABY BABY, a dark comedy and art-world satire.

Kelsey Engleman is a NYC based research scientist with ONE MAN ARMY with a major in psychology, and a minor in media, culture, and communication.

Kelsey hopes to expand her repertoire of skills by working with the team, and is eager to become involved in projects that combine both disciplines.